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We are working with the vendor to resolve ASAP. Thank you for your patience.

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Phone & Chat Hours
(English & Spanish)

Monday – Friday:
8:30AM – 9:00PM
Saturday – Sunday:
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Our Live Chat and Submit a Ticket options have moved! To contact our Support Team, please click the buttons below.

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Real Time CMAs Made Fast

cloud hero

Cloud CMA

Data-rich analysis so your clients know a property’s value

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Better than ever: new interface, interactive CMAs, report themes and more.

Comparative Market Analyses (CMAs) are a surefire way to help buyers and sellers alike know what’s a fair offer for a home. Cloud CMA sources data straight from the MLS to create easy-to-read, branded reports that will show off your value and expertise to your clients.

Cloud Suite products.

Reports are customizable both in design and content, with agent branding and options for map-based area comparisons, property analysis, suggested listing price, and commission breakdown.

Check out all of the Cloud Suite products that CRMLS offers.

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How to access Cloud CMA:

manage apps dashboardv

Step 1

To access Cloud CMA, log in to your REcore dashboard and select the "Manage Apps" button on the right.

cloud cma icon

Step 2

Navigate to the "Core Products" section, then select the "Cloud CMA" tile.

Step 3

From there, you’ll be directed to the Cloud CMA registration

Available to CRMLS users at no additional cost

Did you know that you can create any report in Cloud CMA just by sending us an email? Get your clients what they want the moment they ask for it.

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Helpful Information:

Cloud CMA – Creating a CMA

Cloud CMA – Creating a Buyer Tour

Cloud CMA – Creating a Flyer

Key Features:

Customizable Designs


Client Collaboration

Deliver interactive presentations from your devices!

Use new modern report themes

Add off-MLS listings to your reports

Select your comps from an interactive map view

With Cloud CMA Live, you can:

cloud cma cma live

Getting Started with Cloud CMA Webinar

  • Learn how to customize your Cloud CMA reports to stand out
  • Use Cloud CMA Live and do your next listing presentation over Zoom!
  • Learn how to generate seller leads using Cloud CMA and Facebook
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Despite its name, Cloud CMA has report sets for both buyers and sellers and much much more. Sign up now to get started!

Interested in learning more?

Check out these videos from Cloud CMA:

Cloud CMA Live: Interactive Benefits

Click Here

How to Create a Cloud CMA

Click Here

Cloud CMA Webinar

Click Here