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CRMLS is committed to helping our user navigate this evolving landscape
In May 2024, CRMLS launched the Adapt to Thrive campaign to raise awareness about the NAR commission lawsuits.
As we enter 2025, we remain committed to providing valuable resources to help our users navigate this evolving landscape.
The value you bring as an agent or broker is immeasurable.
Let us help guide you with relevant and timely resources to enhance your value proposition for the consumers you serve.
A Listing Broker may not input, or otherwise use the MLS in any capacity, or in any field, media or document uploaded to the MLS, to offer or convey any amount or any willingness of Listing Broker to share a commission with a Buyer Broker, or for a Seller to offer a specific compensation amount to a Buyer Broker. Nothing in this rule shall prevent the Listing Broker from inputting any amount or invitation from Seller to consider any concessions that may be requested by a Buyer in an offer, as long as any such communication of a concession does not limit or condition the concession on being used to pay any Buyer Broker or other buyer representative. Listing Brokers must place any such amount or invitation regarding seller concessions in the Public Remarks/Property Description field.
Compensation fields were removed from Flexmls
NOTE – The dollar values entered into the 5 concessions fields will be automatically added up in the Concessions Amount field that appears on displays and reports.
August 15, 2024
August 10, 2024
August 6, 2024
August 5, 2024
July 30, 2024
July 26, 2024
Registration is now open for the 2025 Thrive Broker Summit. Join us in Huntington Beach this June 8-9 for a meeting of some of California’s biggest real estate innovators. Click below to reserve your spot today.
Real Estate Professional, Budge Huskey, does a solid job at defining the truth behind common media misconceptions in this timely article.
No, NAR has been discussing settlement options since before the trial began.
To appeal would have required NAR to post a $5.4 billion bond, which they did not have the resources to provide, and could lead them to Chapter 11 bankruptcy. It also would’ve left all MLSs and brokerages named in copycat lawsuits to fend for themselves.
NAR will pay $418 million over the next four years and is working on how to remit that payment without interrupting the tools, resources, and advocacy its members depend on.
As of now, NAR has announced these pending rules changes:
The process will take months, but we anticipate final approval by the end of the year.
NAR will not be changing the membership dues for 2024 or 2025.
No, the settlement does not restrict advertising off of the MLS
It is our top priority to ensure we begin planning to adapt to all necessary changes that would stem from the final settlement. As part of this process, CRMLS executives and the Board of Directors met on March 25 to discuss how to accommodate final settlement requirements.
As of May 29th CRMLS added three new “Concessions in Price” (CiP) fields at the listing level in Matrix, Paragon and Flexmls.
These are optional fields.
Field names and details
Concessions in Price
A text box for numerical input only. This amount should include any and all potential concessions in a single total amount.
Concession in Price Type
Classify the number above as either $ or %.
Seller Consider Concessions?
Either Yes or No. If Yes, then the listing will include the phrase “A Seller may consider a Buyer concession if made in an offer.”
The new fields benefit all parties: