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Floor Plans Made Easy

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All it takes is a quick scan to create a custom floor plan

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Core CRMLS product, available to CRMLS users at no additional cost

Floor plans are one of the most requested features from clients but creating them has traditionally been a hassle. With CubiCasa, all you need to do is scan your property’s perimeter and you’ll get a floor plan generated in no time flat. 2D floor plans are available at no additional cost with the option to purchase upgrades like 3D images, furnishings, and more.

How to access CubiCasa:

manage apps dashboard

Step 1

To access CubiCasa, log in to your REcore dashboard and select the "Manage Apps" button on the right.

cubicasa dashboard icon

Step 2

Navigate to the "Core Products" section, then select the "CubiCasa" tile.

Step 3

From there, you’ll be directed to the CubiCasa registration

Why use CubiCasa floor plans on your listings?

  1. Get accurate measurements automatically for all rooms with a 5 minute scan
  2. Help your buyers see the potential of the home at one glance
  3. Stand out from the rest by adding the second-most requested feature – for free

Log in to get started!

floor plan for real estate listings

Helpful Information:

CubiCasa QRGs

CubiCasa: Creating Your Account

CubiCasa: How to Scan a Property

CubiCasa: How to Connect Your Existing Account to CRMLS

CubiCasa: How to Upload a Floor Plan to Your Listing Photos

Key Features:

Accurate Measurements

Your scan comes complete with precise measurements

Seamless Listing Integration

Easily put your floor plan into your listing photos

Save Time, Save Money

No hiring additional photographers or drafters

Bonus Features

Make your listing pop with a wide array of optional design elements

If you don't stand out,
you don't stand a chance.

Some examples below are not included in cost-free offer; CRMLS users receive 25% off all paid CubiCasa services.

floorplan with a garage

B&W floor plan without dimensions

floor plan grayscale

Grayscale floor plan with dimensions

floor plan elegant

Elegant floor plan with dimensions

floor plan bluerpint

Plus Blueprint floor plan with dimensions

floor plan earth tones

Earth Tones floor plan with dimensions

Senza titolo

Wet Space floor plan with dimensions

plus GLA

GLA (Gross Living Area) with calculations

a multi floor floorplan

Floor plan of a multi-floor apartment with dimensions, wall color and theme color.

ai cubicasa tour

Mark your photos to your floor plan

Every Scan Includes:

Basic floor plan

Room dimensions

Optional add-ons to purchase

24h delivery

Automatic volume discount

Total square footage

Home report

Styling support

Optional 3D products

CubiCasa Stats:


Click-through rate increase when adding a floor plan to a listing*


Floorplans created

download floorplans

CubiCasa 2D floor plans are free: you only pay for the add-ons you choose.

The fastest floor plan app for iOS and Android devices.

CubiCasa Video:


CubiCasa Tour™ Official Webinar

Click Here