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(English & Spanish)

Monday – Friday:
8:30AM – 9:00PM
Saturday – Sunday:
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

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The Accurate, Reliable, Public Record Database

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Trusted data from the leading MLS tax product for over 25 years.

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Make decisions based on CoreLogic data

Realist provides real estate agents and brokers with the perspective necessary to identify, understand, and take decisive action based on the data from CoreLogic, the nation’s largest provider of property and ownership information.

Leverage data from 99.8% of all U.S. property owners, 98% of all zip codes, and 500+ million historical transaction records and data spanning back over 40 years.

Available to CRMLS users at no additional cost

Harness the power of Realist’s data with powerful and client-friendly visual reporting tools, and make market trends and home valuations easy to understand.

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Recent Enhancements:

Redesigned user interface and enhanced visualization

The new user interface will offer a more intuitive and visually appealing experience, making it easier for agents to navigate and access essential market data.

Trending Analysis

The redesigned report will showcase month-over-month percentage increases or decreases for critical metrics, including total closed sales, average sale price, active listings, and more. This, coupled with trending analysis, will enable agents to identify emerging patterns and better understand market dynamics.

Comprehensive Data

The Market Trends report incorporates both Tax and MLS data for a comprehensive and more accurate view of the real estate market.


The new market trends report offers a mobile-optimized design, enabling agents to access this report whenever and wherever they need it.

Users benefit from everything Matrix offers, plus:

Effortlessly integrate Realist tax data into Matrix for combined tax and listing searches, providing a consistent user experience. Search, view, and generate reports within one system, eliminating the need for separate programs.

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realist building reports

Realist Premium Building
Permits Report

Powered by data from over 175 million building permits for residential properties and over 4 million licensed contractors, the information in a Realist Premium Building Permits Report is invaluable to an agent looking to build trust with a client or an appraiser trying to understand a property’s potential or risk. Whether it was a minor addition or a major structural overhaul, these reports will provide the most transparent, detailed look at exactly what has happened to a property over the years.

Simply log in to Realist from your REcenterhub dashboard to get started for just $9.99/report.

Interested in learning more?

Check out these videos on Realist:

An Introduction To The New Realist

Click Here

How To Use The Realist Search Tools

Click Here

Realist Tax Webinar

Click Here