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are working on fixing the affected features. Thank you for your patience. !-->

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(English & Spanish)

Monday – Friday:
8:30AM – 9:00PM
Saturday – Sunday:
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

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Association Product Co-op

Innovative products at reduced license rates.

CRMLS Association Product Co-Op​

What is it?

The CRMLS Association Product Co-Op is a program that gives CRMLS-affiliated Associations control over the type and variety of products they offer to their members. Associations benefit from reduced product license rates negotiated by CRMLS. CRMLS also contributes toward the cost of products offered through the Co-Op.

I am an agent/broker. Can I choose which Association Product Co-Op products to use?

The availability of products on this page is decided upon at an Association level. To see which products are available to you, log into your Association/Board/MLS dashboard. You’ll see the icons for the products your Association/Board/MLS has adopted there. Contact your Association/Board/MLS to request additional products or more information.

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