Some users are reporting difficulties when trying to log in to their CRMLS Matrix system. We are working to address the issue. In the meanwhile, you may be able to still log in by clearing your cookies and cache and trying to log in again. Thank you for your patience
Some users are reporting issues logging in to the REcenterhub dashboard.
When clicking on MLS Dashboard Login, you may see a blank white screen.
Please refresh your browser and/or press CTRL + R on your keyboard.
Our call center is currently experiencing a power outage and is unable to field incoming calls. Please standby as we work to fix this situation and we will let you know as soon as we are operational again
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Your Matrix Upgrade has arrived

2022 Checkbox Icon 1

What you need to do now

2019 FAQIconv2

High Desert Upgrade FAQs

2022 Pain Points Icon

Pain points to be aware of

2019 CRMLS PDF Icon

Welcome to Matrix

2022 Feature Upgrades Icon

Field Name Changes

2021 SolutionsIcon

Product Solutions

2021 Email Icon Grey

Recent Emails

2019 ComplianceIcon


2019 CRMLS PDF Icon

Welcome Kit

2020 Map Icon

Coverage Area

2019 KnowledgebaseIconv4


2019 WebinarIconv3

Matrix Webinars

2020 WhatWillCarry Iconv3 01

What did/didn’t carry over

2019 CRMLS PDF Icon

Accessing Your Member Dashboard